Egg Donor Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers and general information of doing egg donation with GDSA. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with us for more details.

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Our team is committed to providing you a stress free and enjoyable experience during your journey as an egg donor. View our egg donor frequently asked questions below, and if you would like to chat to someone, feel free to contact us.

Egg Donor FAQs

Is the egg retrieval process painful?
The egg retrieval is a minor surgery and takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Egg donors are placed under anesthesia so that you do not feel any discomfort during the process. Recovery time after surgery will be around one hour. Donor will be discharged until she is ready to go. The most common side effects include bloating or light cramping for the next 24-36 hours. This is normal due to the air getting in when the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries. Our case manager will guide the donor on self-care once the egg has been retrieved.
Will I need to travel to donate my eggs?
In general, IVF doctors prefer donors living in the local area during the stimulation days. It will be easier for the medical team to take care of the donor and monitor the donor’s physical response to the medication. We highly recommend donors be prepared to take 12-15 days off work to travel. We will help to arrange the trip of monitoring and egg retrieval. All the costs related to the donation trip will be covered by the intended parents.
How long does the entire egg donation process take?
From application through to matching, this time may vary depending on your availability and intended parent’s demands. Once the case has been officially matched, we will start guiding the donors to go for the physical exams and pre-screen tests until the egg retrieval is completed. From the date of starting to inject stimulation medication until the eggs retrieved completed, it may take 12-15 days. The whole process may take 2-3 months in total.
Does donating my eggs cost me anything?
No. All costs are covered by the prospective parents who were matched and desire the eggs.
How much do I get compensated for donating my eggs?
Egg donation compensation varies according to the egg donor’s donation experience, special skills and education level. On average, the range of compensation is from $8,000 – $15,000. Our compensation package is very generous compared to other agencies. We will discuss in detail further case by case.
Are my records and information kept privatly?
Yes, donor’s information and any medical records are protected by HIPPA. It can only be reviewed by medical professionals. Your information is safe with us.
How many times can I be an egg donor?
6 total cycles per participant based on ASRM guidelines.
Will I need to self medicate?
On the first day of the IVF clinic visit, the nursing coordinator will provide you with instructions on how to administer the injections. The donor needs to follow these instructions carefully and always be fully truthful and transparent. If any dosage was skipped, the blood tests report will show the blood hormone levels not increasing to the expected levels. The IVF doctor may suspend or cancel the cycle before the egg is retrieved. In this event, none of the compensation will be disbursed.


Become an egg donor with Global Donor & Surrogacy Agency

If you would like to register as an egg donor with us, please complete the online registration form. Once your application has been received, we will be in touch with you to schedule a virtual or face-to-face meeting.

We believe that the best gift is, the gift of life...

Whether you’re deciding to start a family of your own, or would like to become an egg donor or surrogate to help someone else realize their dreams of parenthood, we can help you. Schedule a free consultation with us today.

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