Intended Parents Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have more questions about of how to become an intended parent with GDSA? Feel free to check out our FAQs, or book a free consultation with us.

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Intended Parents FAQs

How long does the process take?

The journey can take anywhere from 13-18 months.

How much does it cost?

Costs may vary depending on a number of factors, such as, the surrogate’s location, and whether the matched surrogate is a first-time or experienced surrogate. The average plan costs between 110k-150k.

Will the surrogate keep the baby?

Legally, surrogates will relinquish all rights to the intended parents before the baby was born.

All of our surrogate candidates undergo psychological screening and consulting to ensure that they are fully informed and their intentions are ready and good.

Does insurance cover surrogacy?
The insurance of the surrogate will cover all the medical expenses including prenatal and delivery. The surrogate may already have a plan in place, or we will help you to purchase the best policy for your surrogate.
What legalities are involved?
GDSA will take care of all legalities and guide you along the with what’s required. To protect your rights as parents-to-be — and the rights of the child you’re hoping to have — hire an attorney who specializes in reproductive law in your state. He can draft a surrogacy contract that clearly spells out what everyone needs to do. A contract like that may help if legal issues come up. It can also outline agreements about a variety of possible scenarios with the pregnancy, such as what happens if there are twins or triplets.
Laws vary from state to state, however in most US states surrogacy is legally protected.


Become an egg donor with Global Donor & Surrogacy Agency

If you would like to register as an egg donor with us, please complete the online registration form. Once your application has been received, we will be in touch with you to schedule a virtual or face-to-face meeting.

Register to become an intended parent

Register online today to start your journey towards parenthood.

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